appJobber joins the European Tech Alliance (EUTA)

The crowdworking platform appJobber joins the European Tech Alliance (EUTA), an interest group of the European technology industry. appJobber is one of 36 European technology companies that work together for a successful and strong European technology industry. The member companies of EUTA come from 16 different countries, belong to the most diverse industries and have the most diverse business models. What unites them is that they were founded in Europe based on shared EU values. EUTA is their common voice and aims to contribute to smart EU policies that foster innovation, investment and international growth of the European technology industry.
Together with its members, EUTA aims for a sustainable, greener, innovative and inclusive Europe with a strong digital economy. For this purpose, EUTA represents the interests of its members and engages with policy makers in the European Parliament. The aim is to talk constructively about EU policy issues that are relevant to the digital businesses and their success. Thus, the foundation for a strong technology location in Europe as well as for economic growth, job creation in Europe and global competitiveness shall be ensured. In addition to appJobber, the EUTA also includes companies such as Delivery Hero, Klarna, Spotify, TomTom, trivago and Zalando, for example.
"A strong European tech industry needs a strong network and a strong voice with the EU institutions. The European Tech Alliance pursues this goal. We are proud to be part of the network from now on and to work together with successful partners to ensure that Europe can compete globally," said Dr. Robert Lokaiczyk, founder and CEO of appJobber.
"We are excited to have appJobber join the European Tech Alliance. We look forward to working together. appJobber illustrates the diversity of Europe‘s successful digital companies." Victoria de Posson, General Secretary, EUTA
For an interview please contact:
Christin Pfeffer, PR Manager, appJobber.
Tel. +49 (0)6151 62915 10
About appJobber
appJobber is a European crowdworking platform and app with more than 1 million installations. appJobber was founded in 2011 and is active in 12 countries across Europe. With the help of its users, appJobber collects relevant on-site data for customers in the consumer goods, retail, telecommunications and mobility sectors. Users of the smartphone app perform small tasks and can earn some extra money.
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