Gathering Opening hours informations but why?
There is currently more than a thousand testing jobs in Austria. Any appJobber could state the opening hours of any kind of shop that is located on a specified address. In order to complete the job, you need to take pictures of both opening hours and main entrance of the shop. It's a easy job to get a fair reward. But why do we need these data? Because these data provide us relevant informations that we can use for example for directories.

It could be possible that some stores, like bakeries, at the given location are already placed on a map per pin marker. This is the typical well known drop-symbol that can be found nowadays on about every map.
These selected locations are also called POI, Point of Interest. Many companies are in need of those gathered informations about such locations as they are essential, for example, for Geo-navigation systems or directories.
So companies are really keen on looking for such informations as it can enhance their POI. Furthermore, thanks to the Geo-tracking technology of the appJobber app, while a Jobber is completing a job, the retailers can get the exact store's position and coordinates. Therefore any user of the phone book or a map, whether it's online or on a navigation device, can benefit from up-to-date informations and no one will ever again face a closed bakery.
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